Monday, April 1, 2013

Cleaning out the Medicine/Misc Kitchen Cupboard

My mother-in-law picked up the kids for a few hours today, so I took advantage of the peace and quiet and cleaned out my miscellaneous kitchen cupboard.  It housed mostly medicines, expired tea, and expired baking goods.

Here are the "before" pics

Here are the "after" pics

I combined all of the teas that I had that were still good and put them in a plastic bag.  I also combined all of the instant oatmeal packets that were floating around another bigger cupboard and moved them here, so I don't forget about them before they expire.  

Going through the expired medicines was a surprisingly good experience.  It was like taking an odd trip down memory lane.  There was Baby Orajel from when my kids were babies and teething.  There was a prescription strength ointment from when I accidentally stuck myself with a knife when I was doing dishes and had to get stitches.  There were many assortments of antacids from before my hubby found out that he was diabetic and couldn't figure out why his stomach always hurt and always had indigestion.  I'm particularly glad that he doesn't need these any more.

I'm glad that my house is a little more organized.

Thanks for reading!

 - Vanessa

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