Friday, April 5, 2013

Inventor's Night

My son had Inventor's Night last night for their pack meeting.  We bought a globe from Craigslist last month for $5.  That has really piqued his interest in learning geography and directions.

We decided to make a homemade compass for his recyclables invention.  The only criteria was that it had to fit into one of three categories and be made of recycled materials.  They were pretty impressed with his invention.  In my opinion, his was the best in his category (it was the only one that was actually a working invention), but my favorite part was that he was able to explain and demonstrate how it worked.

He magnetized a needle by rubbing a magnet across a needle lengthwise (not back and forth).  We put it on a bottle cap with notches that I made with a knife.  We put it in a Cool Whip container that both of the kids decorated and filled it with a little water.  The floating needle positioned itself in the water and pointed North.   It would have worked a little better with a material more like a cork, as it would have pierced the material and had less resistance, but I did want it to fit the criteria, and we don't drink wine.

This was also the first awards ceremony for the Tiger Cub Scouts in a while, so each boy received quite a few awards.  As a den, they earned some awards, and my son earned his first belt loops and pins on his own.  He was pretty proud of himself!

Thanks for reading!

 - Vanessa

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