Friday, April 12, 2013

Pre-portioning Snacks

My kids are on FORKids program through their schools.  It is a wonderful program that I will blog about later.  They receive food to help supplement through the weekend.  Lately, there hasn't been as much snack food in their bags.  So, I decided to pre-portion some snacks ahead of time for them.

I normally keep snack food on hand, but it can be pretty hard to judge how much a serving should be, or to just mindlessly munch on food.  When I did my last shopping trip, I bought:  mixed nuts, vanilla wafers, fish crackers, banana chips, and dried apples for snack food for the kids.

I tried to buy fun, but healthy snack choices.  My son, Cub Scout, eats lunch at about 10:30 in the morning at his school.  By the time he gets home at 3:00, he is very hungry.  I typically allow him to have 2 snacks after school.  He was happy when he came home today and had a new variety of snacks in the box that they've designated the Snack Box.  He chose wafers and dried apples for his snack this afternoon.

I really do like the idea of bagging up portion-sized snacks for the kids and this saves money versus buying pre-bagged snacks.  Plus, I was happy with the variety of the snacks.  Next time, though, I will definitely buy smaller bags.  I purchased sandwich bags, and there was a lot of room left over.

Thanks for reading!

 - Vanessa

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