Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tiger Cub Scouts Electives 15 and 30

On rainy days and long weekends with nothing to do, I try to help my son out by completing some of his Tiger Cub Scout Electives.  Most of them are easy enough that my younger daughter can participate, too.

On a really rainy weekend, my kids completed Elective 15 and mixed together primary colors to create other colors.  We took it a step further and added black and white paint to make the colors lighter and darker.

I babysat another boy from my son's Tiger Den and had all 3 kids complete Elective 30 by suspending avocado pits in water.  I love gardening and have started being interested in exotic plants.  I also have more of an interest lately in being less wasteful and more self-sufficient.

The boy I babysat's dad was happy that he had a chance to complete a Cub Scout activity.  It is just the 2 of them at their house.  I'm not sure if they filled the cup back up with water and let it grow, like I did with my kids, or if they threw it away.  Either way, that boy gets to mark down the activity and earn an Elective.

The avocado pits form roots very slowly, so this is definitely an activity for older kids, or at least kids with more patience.  We started them just short of a month ago, and they have slight root buds.

Thanks for reading!

 - Vanessa

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