Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Homemade Icy Gel Pack

I came across this pic and had to share.  I really need to make a couple just to have on hand.  I had a brand name one with the blue gel years ago, as it was given to me after a back injury.  Between my dogs and kids, though, it got holes in it.  I'm assuming that this wouldn't be safe to keep, especially with young kids and animals that could accidentally ingest the gel, so I had to toss it.

After watching Myth Busters the other night, I wouldn't be surprised if salt water would act the same way, as it lowers the temperature that would be needed before the liquid freezes.  It was the episode where they were trying to find the fastest way to chill a 6-pack of beer.

Thanks for reading!

 - Vanessa

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