Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Planting Season has Begun!

I love growing plants from seeds/pits!  I love to eat fresh produce from my garden!  I hope to pass this on to my children, so my hubby and I always include them in the process.  I'm really on an heirloom produce kick this year.  Last year, I read about the benefits and history of heirloom produce, so I'm buying everything that I can of the heirloom variety to try it out.

Right now, we are working on starting seeds inside that will need transplanted later, as well as trying out indoor plants.  I had a Christmas cactus for years, but other than that, I've never had an indoor plant.  Nearly a month ago, my kids started some avocado pits as a part of a Cub Scouts Elective.  I'll have to do this again for myself so I can document the (very slow) progress.  I am also going to talk to my grandma about the best way to start a pineapple plant from the saved top.  Every time we have attempted this, they get moldy.  If it is successful, I will document it, if not, this is the last you'll hear about pineapple plants from me.

Thanks for reading!

 - Vanessa

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