Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Decorated Paper Easter Eggs

My kids, a couple of neighbor kids, and I made paper Easter eggs to decorate.  My daughter's one is on the top left, my son's is on the top right, and mine is in the center.  I was trying to teach them about about using different mediums to make a piece of art, as well, just to sneak a little education in there.  We used:  stickers, glue, fluffy pom poms, and gel glitter glue pens.  It is funny how each of our personalities came out through our eggs.  My daughter is the busy, energetic one.  My son was not as in to the project as his sister and I and tried to make his a little more masculine by putting an alligator (or is it a crocodile?).

This was a fun and inexpensive art project.  I try to do one at least once a month with the kids.  I just used what we had around the house.  I visit the dollar store whenever my supplies get low.

Thanks for reading!

 - Vanessa

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