Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Boy Scouts to Consider Ending a Ban

First of all, please excuse the political-ish nature of this post.  Also, this is my opinion, and everyone is entitled to one, but please be respectful.

I read this article (http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/boy-scouts-end-ban-gays-193808487.html), and it made me very happy to read this!  Boy Scouts are considering letting local units decide their own policies regarding gay boy scouts.

This makes me extremely happy!  My son is a Tiger Cub Scout, which is the first level for Cub Scouts.  My son tries hard and has earned a couple of awards so far.  We recently toured a local police station and it really piqued his interest to learn more about the Explorers program and eventually become a Policeman/Fireman, if becoming a dragon doesn't work out.  Hey, I said he is 6.

Right now, it's too early to tell what his sexual preference will become.  Frankly, I don't want to think about that yet, or really, at all.  Right now, I'm just concerned with him learning to do well in school and his other activities, including Scouting.

It has made me very sad and angry to recently read about boys, like my son, who have been working hard since they were 6-years-old at Scouting, just to be eventually denied awards and membership to Boy Scouts.  I really feel for these boys and their parents.  This could be my son in 12 years, and it makes me cry.  Deciding/realizing your sexual preference (whatever your view is on homosexuality) has nothing to do with how hard these kids, like my own, have worked for these accomplishments. Did these kids know at 6-years-old that they were gay?  Most importantly, did it effect the way that they accomplished their goals and advanced in rank year after year?

Ending this policy, also coincides with their recruitment motto of Every Boy Deserves a Chance.  Frankly, with their current discrimination policy in place, only straight boys deserve a chance.

I really hope that this policy is ended, or at least is left up to each local pack unit.  That way, every boy and family will find a local unit where they will feel safe and comfortable to be a part of.

Thanks for reading this rant!

 - Vanessa

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