Sunday, January 27, 2013

Pinewood Derby

This weekend was my son's pack's Pinewood Derby!  All of the boys worked really hard on their cars.  My hubby and my son made his car together.  We didn't have a scale that would be small enough to just measure ounces, so it was originally way underweight at the weigh-in.  My hubby had put the plastic domes on the car to make it look like a cockpit.  I filled the domes with change, and got it up to the correct weight.  At the final weigh-in, my son was asked the car's name.  We hadn't considered the name before, so my son came up with "Mr. C" on the spot.  I can only assume that the "C" stands for "car," maybe?  He had a great time and we have lots of ideas already for next year's car.  This was also a great chance for my husband to be more involved with my son and his scouting.  He works afternoons and evenings, so I typically take him to all of his activities.

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