Monday, August 5, 2013

Bacon Wrapped Scallops and Peach Cobbler

For tonight's dinner and dessert, I made from things that we already had.  I like to challenge myself like this sometimes, but tonight was really out of necessity.  I didn't go grocery shopping yet because I haven't planned out my meals and recipes for the week yet.

I know that scallops isn't a normal thing to just happen to have around, but I bought them a couple of months ago for our anniversary.  The hubby decided to make cheese fondue instead that night, so the scallops had been sitting in the freezer.

I wrapped each scallop with one piece of bacon.  I rolled each piece tightly horizontally twice, then switched and rolled it vertically.  I wrapped the end piece into one of the opposite bacon loops.  I tried tucking the end in this time because of a mishap last time.  They came unraveled each time that I turned them.  This seemed to have done the trick!  I fried each side until it was all golden brown.  They were really good!

Last year, my family and my dad went to Yakima to buy produce directly from the produce stands.  We'll probably make the trip again next year.  I had canned peaches that needed to be used before they went bad.  My dad also really likes cinnamon.  The peaches were a little too cinnamon-y for the kids' taste.  Make cobbler out of it was a great way to reduce the heavy cinnamon taste.

I used the big remaining jar of peaches that I canned and a can of canned peaches that I had on hand.  I had my son, Cub, help by making the topping for the cobbler.

It turned out really good!  We also paired it with ice cream that we bought a couple of weeks ago for root beer floats!

Thanks for reading!

 - Vanessa

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