Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Soccer Pizza/Awards Party

Tomorrow is the final game for my kids' soccer teams.  My daughter's coach approached everyone at the end of the game last week and invited everyone to pizza at the end of the game this week for an end-of-season party.  Maybe I was being ignorant or something, but I assumed that the organization or the coach would pay.  Soccer wasn't cheap, even with the discount.  If I were a coach, I wouldn't invite people for pizza and then expect them to pay, maybe that's just me, though.  It's for this reason that I have my kids' birthday parties at parks and other free places, as I would just feel tacky inviting people to my kids' party and expecting them to pay admission or for food.

So, my daughter just won't be able to participate in the award ceremony. I've been keeping it quiet from the kids, as I don't want to deal with a tantrum.  I'm just a little disappointed in YMCA.  My family doesn't go out to dine often, as it is so expensive, so my daughter has to miss out on the awards ceremony.  As usual, I will pack a picnic dinner for the kids and I to eat in between their games.

Thanks for reading!

 - Vanessa

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