Sunday, August 11, 2013

Blackberry/Crab Apple Picking and Cobbler

My sister and I took my kids blackberry picking along the Western Chehalis Trail.

 We only take what we can really use in a day, as blackberries don't keep well.  The kids and I filled about 1/3 of an ice cream container, which was plenty to make a cobbler with.

Tumbling Girl and Cub Scout had a blast picking them!  For the majority of the time, anyway.  They got a little bored the last little bit.  Cub ate way more than he saved, but hey, it's a free snack.  He ate his bucket full of berries twice.

Tumbling Girl found a crab apple tree buried in on of the blackberry bushes!  This made for a great find and addition to the cobbler.  Again, they ate about half of the apples, but there were 4 left over.

We didn't realize it when we got home, but there was a kitten on the porch and it followed us into the house without us realizing it!  My "front" door is the laundry room door.  The kitten followed us in and somehow got caught under a shirt.  I looked down and the shirt was moving towards me!  I was scared for a minute and thought my laundry was moving on its own!  I was so relieved that it was a kitten and not a possessed piece of clothing or another small creature under there!  I was also happy that I found it before the dogs did!  My 2 dogs were raised with a cat, but that was 7 years ago.  I really don't know how they'd treat a cat now.

The cobbler turned out great!  It was a little tart, but I don't like overly-sugary desserts, so the kids and I enjoyed it!  I just wish we'd had whipped cream or ice cream.

Thanks for reading!

 - Vanessa

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