Thursday, June 27, 2013

Orca Books Coupon

My kids are doing the summer reading program through the library.  (This is a great program, if you have kids that haven't signed up yet!)  This week's prize was a $3 coupon at Orca Books.  They are excited about it and I'm letting them use their own birthday/tooth fairy money to teach them a little about budgeting, too.

I went there once when I was 22 years old and there was a misunderstanding about one of their policies.  I was frustrated and hadn't been back.  One of my friends suggested talking to the owner.  This was nearly 10 years ago, so I wasn't expecting much.  I'm glad I made the call, though!  The owner resolved it by giving me store credit.  Honestly, I was just glad to have it resolved.  I will be more than happy to take my kids there this weekend so they can redeem their coupons for a book!

Thanks for reading!

 - Vanessa

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