Wednesday, February 19, 2014

World Thinking Day

The Brownies and Daisies brainstormed ideas for their "What a Difference Kindergarten Makes!" booklet at last week's meeting. I typed up the ideas and printed them.  At tonight's meeting, they illustrated the booklet.

All of the girls attended Head Start.  My daughter attended there last year and I still serve as a Community Representative on their Policy Council.  I stopped there today and talked to her former teacher about donating the booklet.  She will contact us next month when they begin their Kindergarten readiness unit.  When they do this, she would like my daughter to come in and talk to the kids about Kindergarten and to donate the booklet!

There was enough time left in the meeting, so we read and discussed "Go to School for a Day in Namibia" (  The girls had interesting perspectives, though their main interest were the animals that live in Africa.

We just have one Junior in our group, so unfortunately, things get a little dull for her.  She says that she will also pursue interviewing a teacher or principal about the importance of education for all children, especially girls.  I am really interested in what she will come up with!  I hope she follows through with this.

What ideas did your group come up with for World Thinking Day?

 ~ Vanessa

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