Monday, February 17, 2014

Valentine's Day 2014

For Valentine's Day, I made a special and healthy breakfast for my daughter and I.  I made a Valentine's-style Pop-Eye.  I've also heard it called Bird's Nest, Toad in a Hole, and Eggy in a Whale.  It's basically cutting a hole in a piece of bread, and frying it with an egg in the middle.  I thought I had a heart cookie cutter, but I didn't, so I had to cut the heart shape with a butter knife.  We also had a slice of turkey bacon to go with.

I was feeling extra motivated, so I decided to do my daughter's hair in a special Valentine's Day hair style.  I stole it from Pinterest and was relieved that it didn't turn out to be a total Pinterest-fail!

I thought it turned out really well!  Her teacher and the kids in her class liked it, though no one could tell that it was supposed to be hearts.

I hope everyone had a healthy and happy Valentine's Day!

Thanks for reading!


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