Thursday, February 20, 2014

Wolf Cub Scout Requirement 4E

My son's Den Leader modified this requirement, as he wanted proof of it, so he had everyone just keep track of the boys' chores for a month.  I am usually pretty creative and use a ruler to draw out a chart on bright construction paper.  This time, I decided to be a little more tech-savy and use Excel to keep track and chart his chores for the month.  I'm a big fan of Excel, especially when I get to play around with color schemes.  However, for this particular project, I am printing it off at the library, where the printer is black and white, so my primary objective with the data is legibility, instead of various shades of gray with hard to read words.  So, this isn't my prettiest work, but it's functional.

How did you keep track of your son's progress for this?

 ~ Vanessa

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