Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Asking for Discounts

Pre-losing my job, I would have been embarrassed to ask for discounts on anything.  Now, I hunt around for the best deals and ask if I qualify for discounts when I do purchase something.  I signed my kids up for T-Ball/Baseball through the YMCA.  YMCA is such a great organization!  I utilize it often for free/low cost classes for my kids and I.

My family receives a financial assistance through one of the local YMCA branches, so we get a discount on membership and programs through that branch.  The Baseball program is run through another local branch.  I called to find out if I would be eligible for any discounts through this branch.  They put me on hold and asked, Is a 50% discount ok?  Ummmm... Let me think about that....  Yes!  I was still a little embarrassed to ask, as I always am, but, I figure that the worst thing they can say is "no."  It would have normally been $50 per kid, now it was $50 total!

When I first started asking about discounts, I was afraid of being judged as tacky.  I still am a little, but saving money and being able to put my kids in a fun and healthy activity is worth it.

Thanks for reading!

 - Vanessa

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