Saturday, December 29, 2012

Homemade Gifts for Christmas

I am a stay at home mom, so I decided to crochet and knit some scarves for Christmas gifts.  I forgot to take pictures of the ones I gave out for Christmas to my grandmother- and mother-in-law.  Next time I see them, I hope to get a pic of them.  And hopefully, they'll be wearing them!  My mother-in-law's one looks like this, but with purple instead of red.  This red one is for my red-haired sister.  My 4-year-old daughter picked out the colors for my sisters.  My brunette sister is getting a brown one that I just started yesterday.  These ones were knitted, as this plushy yarn, though gorgeous to look at and feel, is nearly impossible to crochet.  It's been years since I had last knitted, so I'm having to re-learn the hard way.  My grandmother-in-law's scarf was crocheted (my favorite medium!) and was:  dark green, light green, white, and black.  My daughter loves the thread and the finished outcome of these scarves, so next year, I'll make her a scarf.  After I finish this brown one, I'm going to be done with knitting and this thread for a while.

Thanks for reading!

 - Vanessa

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