Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Cub Scouting

I was a little conflicted about my son joining Cub Scouts initially.  I don't agree with all of their (political) policies and am not overly religious.  I have many friends with alternative lifestyles who are strongly against certain Boy Scouts and some of their policies.  A couple of people have directly asked me about my opinions and my decision to let my son join this organization.  Others may be assuming things good or bad about this decision.

I let my son join because I wanted him to be a part of a worthy cause and to meet other nice kids.  I have found churches to be too cliquey and political for my taste when I was a kid.  Some of the "good" kids that attended our church were the worst kids in my class.  I am still up in the air when it comes to my kids and church, but that's a whole other topic.

My neighborhood is not world's nicest place and neither are the neighborhood kids.  I want their friends and influences to be nice kids, not the delinquents in this place.

I am pursuing my degree now while trying to raise 2 kids.  I am only eligible for a little bit of financial aid and have not yet received any scholarships, despite my efforts.  I hope that the values and the community service that he will learn through Cub Scouts will help him become a better and successful person, and hopefully help him go to college when he's younger.

Opinions about certain policies aside, I have found Cub Scouts to be a very affordable program.  My mother-in-law bought a used shirt from eBay for $7.  I acquired the other pieces of his uniform little by little. The boys don't actually need anything more than the shirt and the required patches.  The den all pitched in for their fundraiser and the boys earned enough so that we don't have pay any monthly dues or for any patches/pins/belt loops that he will earn this year.

Please excuse some of the politics in this rant.  It is difficult sometimes when causes I believe in conflict each other and makes me feel a bit like a hypocrite sometimes.

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