Friday, November 27, 2015

Back to School Teacher and Bus Driver Gifts

This year, the kids and I decided to get their teachers and bus drivers a small gift to start off the new school year.  The teachers each received:  a coffee mug, hand sanitizer, and candy.  Since it was the beginning of the school year and school supplies were on sale, my daughter also picked out markers for her teacher for their classroom supplies.  The bus driver received the same thing as the teachers, except for a water bottle instead of the coffee mug, as I wanted to get something unbreakable for driving.

I really liked the mug pictured on the left, that I picked out for my daughter's teacher.  It was the most "masculine" one, but I was tempted to get it for myself.  My son said that his teacher likes patterns.  I didn't know if he was referring to math or rhyming for school or art choices.  Either way, I chose this.  Plus, he said that she has a similar looking one on her desk, so it was a safe choice.

What do you get for your kids' teachers at the beginning of the year?

Thanks for reading!

 ~ Vanessa

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