Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Pinewood Derby 2014

Last weekend was the Pinewood Derby.  This year, I let my Daisy Girl Scout daughter participate, also.  My dad was a big help and helped cut and shape the cars and the kids and I designed them.  My son decided to incorporate Legos into his car, as he is just about obsessed with Legos these days.  My daughter decided to go with painting her car purple and covering that with glitter.

We bought a food scale so we knew about how much they weighed.  That helped out a lot, but the cars were still about an once short, as they should be as close as possible to weighing no more than 5 ounces.  We glued some washers on for weights at home and then took a bag of pennies with us to glue onto the bottom with the digital scale at the weigh-in.  Pennies, by the way, weigh about .1 ounces.  The kids' cars did a lot better this year and my son actually won one of his races.  We still have quite a ways to go before we master designing a faster car.

The derby also fell on the first weekend for selling Girl Scout cookies for the pre-sale.  I made sure that Tumbling Girl looked extra cute.  She wore her Daisy uniform and had her hair up in pigtails.  She got quite a few sales from the other Cub Scout parents.

Thanks for reading!


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