Thursday, October 24, 2013

Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies from Instant Oatmeal Packets

I'm just kind of in a baking mood right now, so I decided to make oatmeal cookies.  Plus, the family is going to Cub Scout's Packtober Party tomorrow night.  It is the first award ceremony of the school year/Halloween party.

The kids need to bring a baked good each, so I decided on oatmeal cookies because A) It's easy and hard to mess up, and B) we have tons of instant oatmeal packets that need used up.  My dad shops at Costco and will give us bulk items that he thinks we can use.  Most of it gets used up quickly.  Oatmeal is another story.  We also get oatmeal packets from the food bank.  So, we have oatmeal coming out our ears, or at least out of the container that I keep it in and nearly coming out the cupboard shelf.

Whenever I make cookies, I use Grammy's cookbook.  She and Grandpa got it as a wedding present in the '50s, so that makes it extra special!  My grandparents divorced when my mom was a kid.  As far as I know, this is one of the few things left from their marriage.  Grammy passed away about a year and a half ago, also.

Since I was making it with instant oatmeal, I only used one cup of sugar.  I also did not put any extra spices in it.  Nearly all of the instant oatmeal packets that I used were flavored.  Don't worry, I only used brown sugar or cinnamon flavored oatmeals and none of the fruit flavored ones.

To be on the safe side for the party, I made the chocolate chip oatmeal cookies for the party with no nuts.  I am now making the batch for my family, so I added walnuts to the batter.

They turned out pretty good!

To make them special for the Packtober party, I will let the kids ice and decorate them tomorrow after school.

Thanks for reading!

 - Vanessa

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