Saturday, June 22, 2013

Cub Scouts Community Service Project - Pulling up Ivy

Today, my son and I joined his Cub Scouts pack for a service project.  All I knew from the email that was sent earlier in the week was the we should be prepared and dressed to work on a forested trail near Lake Lois. With this age group, I had expected to do something along the lines of picking up litter, as did many of the others.  However, the service project turned out to be pulling noxious English Ivy growing along the trail and posing a threat to trees.

I am tired, sore, bruised, and covered in sap.  It was a hot day, but luckily, there was a lot of shade from the trees.  This project was actually pretty meaningful to me, as I worked at State Parks in Volunteer Services and entered volunteer time sheets for groups like this that did work like this in parks owned by the state.  It was funny being on the other end of it.  I really appreciate what those groups did for the state parks after putting in a morning of this work.

Evidently, ivy spreads quickly and takes over an area, if given a chance.  It can even kill a tree by basically smothering it.

I was talking to one of the mom's about how much kids at this age emulate and imitate the behavior of others around them.  I completely agree, as I'm pretty picky about who my kids hang out with, and even border on over protective at times.  The other Cub Scouts and their parents are nice, though I'm not particularly close to anyone there.  Most of the parents are older and more established in life than my family.  I am sure that we are the youngest and poorest family of the pack.  But, all of the scouts are good kids for the most part and they have involved parents, like my husband and I.  It made me realize what a great group of kids these are to give up 3 1/2 hours on a Saturday morning to do some community service.

Thanks for reading!

 - Vanessa

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