Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Suntanning my Tomato Starts

As I previously mentioned, I am on an heirloom-variety kick this year.  I successfully started 2 types of tomatoes from seed last year.  I keep them on my kitchen table next to a sunny window.  The tomatoes did well last year, however, they were very tall and spindly, and didn't produce much fruit (yes, tomatoes are fruits).  My co-worker at my temp job that I had at the time said that they needed more direct sunlight.  I am trying to put them out on my back porch daily.  

As you can see, the sun is hiding behind the clouds, though is peaking out when the clouds move.  I guess this counts as "direct sunlight," or at least it's as much as I can find here in the Northwest.

Hopefully, my plants will be a bit prettier and will bear more fruit this year.  I'll let you know if this was in deed the issue.

Thanks for reading!

 - Vanessa 

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