Sunday, January 13, 2013

Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Chicken Breast

I admit that I haven't been eating that healthy lately.  Tonight, I made a favorite standby of bacon wrapped chicken breast.  I just used ingredients that I had.  Granted, we have guinea pigs, so that usually is a motivation to keep veggies around.

Tonight, I stuffed the chicken breast with:  kale, canned tomatoes, and cheese.  My dad and I are into canning (especially salsa!) and have lots of canned tomato to use up.  We have guinea pigs, so I always have lots of miscellaneous veggies around.  I made the kids macaroni and cheese to go with their dinner and salad.  I turned down the macaroni and stuck with the salad.  I also chopped up lots of veggies to go with the veggies.  Another plus side to the kids and I eating chopped veggies is that it saves time in preparing the piggies' dinner.  They basically had what I had for dinner, minus the chicken and canned tomatoes.  I used turkey bacon to wrap the stuffed chicken breasts, as that's the only bacon that I had on hand.  I prefer turkey bacon over pork bacon to eat by itself and in eggs.  For wrapped stuffed chicken breast, pork bacon is better, but hey, it was all I had on hand.

Bacon wrapped stuffed chicken breast is one of my family's favorite healthy standby dinners and is pretty inexpensive to make!  What are some of your standby healthy dinners?

Thanks for reading!

 - Vanessa

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