Friday, February 13, 2015

First Gray Hairs

I'm 32 and officially have about 10 gray hairs.  I know that's not a lot, but they're all clumped together on the top of my head.  Really, they couldn't be more spread out?  lol, most people that are my age or younger have more than that, so I don't really care.  It looks like I'm taking after my dad.

Right now, I'm a SAHM/online college student, so I'm not too worried about dying my hair.  I dyed my hair occasionally as a teenager.  I also dyed my hair when I had a well-paying job just to treat myself.  I haven't dyed my hair in about 5 years.  Last summer, my neighbor, who is studying to be a beautician, asked if she could cut my hair.  A few months before that, I had changed up my hair just a little bit and given myself bangs.  Other than that, my hair had been pretty much unchanged for that 5 years, other than a few trims.  My neighbor layered my hair and it looked really cute.  I confess that I haven't maintained the style and just let it grow since then.

I am considering donating my hair again in the next couple of years, so I'll probably wait until after that to decide.  I have always admired older women who do not dye their hair.  I had a coworker years ago that had really dark gray hair.  I had hoped I'd have a cool color of gray like that.  My mom's hair is a snowy white when she doesn't dye her hair and it looks like I'll take after her.

Thanks for reading,

  ~ Vanessa

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