Sunday, November 2, 2014

Investiture Ceremony

My troop did their first Investiture Ceremony!  I did a short introduction, then had the girls say the Promise (which most of them have memorized).

To help them do the Law, I assigned them each a couple of lines from the it.  I was a little disappointed that I was the only one who worked with my daughter on her portion of the Law.  Luckily, I am realistic, if not a little pessimistic, and I wrote out the sections of the Law and had the girls read from their script.

I then had the girls turn their pins upside down and I told them that they could turn it back the right way when they have done three good deeds and told the group what they have done.

I then awarded them each with their troop crest.  I had them vote on the meanings at a previous meeting.  They chose the Bluebird, which means "happiness and good fortune."  I had read on one site that it also meant "always singing" or "loves to sing" or something like that.  My girls do love singing and are a pretty happy group, so I think the Bluebird suits them well.

The ceremony was pretty short and simple.  I didn't want to do anything too long and elaborate, as this group is mostly Daisies.

After, we decorated Snickerdoodles and gave them to the staff at the retirement home where we meet as a "thank you" gift.  The staff appreciated their Halloween treat!

Thanks for reading,

 ~ Vanessa

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