Saturday, April 19, 2014

Relative's Ungrateful Birthday Girl

Yesterday was my mom's youngest child's 5th birthday.  (In case I haven't mentioned it before, my mom had a 2-part mid-life crisis about 10 years ago.  She divorced my dad, then re-married a year later and had kids that are the same age as my kids.)  They had the party today.  It was pouring down rain all day, so I didn't really want to go, but it's family and these kids are the only people in our family that are close to their age.

As soon as we walk in (dripping wet), I hand the birthday girl her present and she immediately sets it down and says, "ewww, it's wet," and drops it like it has cooties.  Our mother is standing right there and says nothing.

The older child had a birthday in January, but they decided that they couldn't afford to have a party for her.  I felt bad for her, even if her own parents didn't, so I got the two girls Disney Princess Ballerina Barbies.  The oldest got Cinderella and the youngest got Belle.

When they opened them, the oldest mumbled something.  Maybe a "thank you?"  And went off and played video games.  The birthday girl shoved it away and announced that she didn't like it.  I told our mom that I'd just return it and I am done buying her kids presents.  They never show any appreciation.  I especially don't understand it as they live in a single wide trailer from the '70s that is falling apart.  They don't have electricity in half of their house.  I wouldn't be surprised if it gets condemned someday.  These kids are lucky when my mom and step dad choose to celebrate their birthdays, so it blows my mind that they act like stuck up snobs!

The birthday girl said that she'd only like the present if she got both of them, so our mom gave away the oldest's present to pacify her.  She should have paddled her butt right then and there!  Or at least corrected the ungrateful brat!  She is doing them no favors in life.  I don't know if it's my mom's age or if she really thinks that this is acceptable behavior.  I just can't believe that this is how these kids are being raised.  I'm so embarrassed of them and embarrassed for them.

I just don't get it.  I wonder if it's because my family is also low income or even because of my weight.  Regardless of how much someone makes or what they look like, that is no way to treat someone.  These kids are going to be so screwed up.

Sorry for the rant.  I promise to have a more positive one tomorrow.


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